
Universum® Bremen

In Universum® Bremen you go on an extraordinary journey of discovery into the world of science.

Discover your Universum®

In Universum® Bremen you go on an extraordinary journey of discovery into the world of science. More than 300 exhibits let you experience and understand scientific phenomena up close and with all your senses. The three subject areas Technology, Humans and Nature are waiting to be explored. Have fun!

You can explore in the open air as well! More fascinating stations on the subjects of water and wind invite you into the outdoor area. Do you know the Sky Window in our tower “Turm der Lüfte”? The 27 metres high tower does not only offer a great view over Bremen but also surprises with further interesting exhibits to try out and explore. Up high!

Striking experiments will amaze you in our daily science shows – this is science with a guaranteed fun factor. Small and big explorers should not miss these shows while on their visit to Universum® Bremen!

Universum® Bremen
Wiener Str. 1a
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 (0) 421 / 33 46-0

Adults: 18,00 Euro
Reduced: 12,00 Euro
Families: 42,00 Euro

Opening times

You can find the current opening times here.

Did you know
  • that the skin, with a surface of 15. to 1.8 m² is the largest human organ? However, our exhibit “Tactile Deception” shows how easy it is to deceive our tactile sense.

  • there are about 1 500 active volcanoes in the world? Our exhibit “Eruption” shows you a miniature volcanic eruption.

  • that the „bad middle finger“ was already used in Roman times as an insult? You can get to know gestures with a regional meaning at our exhibit “Gestures of the World”.

  • that 123456 is one of ten most popular passwords? Not exactly a safe code. Our exhibit “Breaking the Code” gives you the possibility to test your own decoding abilities.

  • that the human brain weighs about 2 percent of the of the body weight but uses 20 percent of the total energy? Train your brain with a variety of different quizzes in our exhibition!

  • that we use more than 50 facial muscles to create up to 10 000 different expression? The exhibit “Recognizing Expressions” shows you how a computer program interprets your facial expressions.

  • that dunes can never be steeper than 40 degrees? The exhibit “Pointed Sand Hill” shows you why this is so.

  • that our eyes provide us with 80 percent of all sensory impressions? In the light-less “Tactile Gallery” you can experience an artistic world without your sense of vision.

  • more than 5 500 languages exist in the world? Travel around the world in languages at our exhibit „Languages of the World“

  • that every household possesses on average 50 electric or electronic devices? Our exhibit “Crank Generator” gives you an idea how much energy household appliances need.

Teambuilding-Events for Companies



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